[PacketFence-users] New Install - No Data for Registrations/min
Lupe Silva
2017-05-01 20:51:42 UTC
I have a Packetfence server I have used for years and upgraded many times.
I decided to build a fresh server and fresh install of Packetfence. I have
completed it, however, on the Dashboard, the only graph that is not working
is the Registrations/min. Initially, all the graphs were not working, but
I discovered that I miss-typed the Time Zone information. after fixing
that all the graphs are working except the Registrations/min.

Right now the Registrations/min says "No Data". The server has been
running for 4 days now.

Any thoughts or where I should begin my investigation?

Lupe Silva
Lupe Silva
2017-05-01 21:47:44 UTC
Also, I am running PF 7.0.0 on CentOS 7 x64

Lupe Silva
Post by Lupe Silva
I have a Packetfence server I have used for years and upgraded many
times. I decided to build a fresh server and fresh install of
Packetfence. I have completed it, however, on the Dashboard, the only
graph that is not working is the Registrations/min. Initially, all the
graphs were not working, but I discovered that I miss-typed the Time Zone
information. after fixing that all the graphs are working except the
Right now the Registrations/min says "No Data". The server has been
running for 4 days now.
Any thoughts or where I should begin my investigation?
Lupe Silva
Louis Munro
2017-05-02 15:43:03 UTC
Hello Lupe,

First, let's get the obvious question out of the way:
Did you register at least one device since you reinstalled that system?

Graphite (the system that generates the graphs) needs a minimum of data to work with.

If you have registered one device and more, then please post the output to this command:

# ls -l /usr/local/pf/var/graphite/whisper/stats/counters/*/pf__node__node_register/called

Louis Munro
***@inverse.ca <mailto:***@inverse.ca> :: www.inverse.ca <http://www.inverse.ca/>
+1.514.447.4918 x125 :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu <http://www.sogo.nu/>) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org <http://www.packetfence.org/>)
Post by Lupe Silva
Also, I am running PF 7.0.0 on CentOS 7 x64
Lupe Silva
I have a Packetfence server I have used for years and upgraded many times. I decided to build a fresh server and fresh install of Packetfence. I have completed it, however, on the Dashboard, the only graph that is not working is the Registrations/min. Initially, all the graphs were not working, but I discovered that I miss-typed the Time Zone information. after fixing that all the graphs are working except the Registrations/min.
Right now the Registrations/min says "No Data". The server has been running for 4 days now.
Any thoughts or where I should begin my investigation?
Lupe Silva
2017-05-03 14:31:31 UTC
Thanks for the reply. Under Reports->Node States graph, it says we have
8000+ registered nodes.

The pf__node__node_register directory does not exist.

Lupe Silva
Post by Louis Munro
Hello Lupe,
Did you register at least one device since you reinstalled that system?
Graphite (the system that generates the graphs) needs a minimum of data to work with.
# ls -l /usr/local/pf/var/graphite/whisper/stats/counters/*/pf__
Louis Munro
+1.514.447.4918 x125 <(514)%20447-4918> :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
Also, I am running PF 7.0.0 on CentOS 7 x64
Lupe Silva
Post by Lupe Silva
I have a Packetfence server I have used for years and upgraded many
times. I decided to build a fresh server and fresh install of
Packetfence. I have completed it, however, on the Dashboard, the only
graph that is not working is the Registrations/min. Initially, all the
graphs were not working, but I discovered that I miss-typed the Time Zone
information. after fixing that all the graphs are working except the
Right now the Registrations/min says "No Data". The server has been
running for 4 days now.
Any thoughts or where I should begin my investigation?
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Louis Munro
2017-05-04 18:00:28 UTC
Try this then:
Open a terminal and then run this command:

# journalctl -u packetfence-carbon-cache -f

Register a new node.
Any node.

Any output in the journalctl terminal?

Louis Munro
***@inverse.ca <mailto:***@inverse.ca> :: www.inverse.ca <http://www.inverse.ca/>
+1.514.447.4918 x125 :: +1 (866) 353-6153 x125
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu <http://www.sogo.nu/>) and PacketFence (www.packetfence.org <http://www.packetfence.org/>)
Thanks for the reply. Under Reports->Node States graph, it says we have 8000+ registered nodes.
The pf__node__node_register directory does not exist.
Thomas Massip
2017-05-05 08:53:26 UTC
Hi all,

I don't find the file where I can define the mandatory fields like First
name and Last name.

I use portal modules 'default_guest_policy'

Actually User Manager can create local account just with a User name and
an Email. I want add First name and Last name.

Thanks for Ur help,

Best regards
