[PacketFence-users] Custom iptables rule?
Jes Kasper Klittum
2017-05-18 12:29:17 UTC
Hey guys,

I can see that Packetfence use iptables to handle traffic, and that poses a problem for me, as I need port 6556 to be open from my OMD monitoring host. How do I accomplish this without breaking Packetfence?

Can I just add to /usr/local/pf/conf/iptables.conf, or will this file be overwritten when restarting Packetfence?

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards,

Jes Kasper Klittum
Head of IT

Ahornvej 1,
DK-4780 Stege
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Antoine Amacher
2017-05-18 13:48:13 UTC
Hello Jes,

You can write your line in conf/iptables.conf, this file will be used to
generate the iptables configuration when PacketFence start.

Post by Jes Kasper Klittum
Hey guys,
I can see that Packetfence use iptables to handle traffic, and that
poses a problem for me, as I need port 6556 to be open from my OMD
monitoring host. How do I accomplish this without breaking Packetfence?
Can I just add to /usr/local/pf/conf/iptables.conf, or will this file
be overwritten when restarting Packetfence?
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards,
*Jes Kasper Klittum*
Head of IT
Ahornvej 1,
DK-4780 Stege
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