[PacketFence-users] Authenticate (not create) local users with SMS or email
Michael Newton
2017-05-10 19:23:49 UTC
Hi all, just getting started with this product and have what is hopefully
an easy question to answer. If I've created some local users, with the
telephone or email fields filled in, how can I authenticate those users
through the captive portal without relying on username/password?

I've tried setting up a "choice" portal module allowing authentication via
SMS or email. Both methods work well, but they succeed only in creating new
users with the provided email or phone number as a username. What I want is
to authenticate the existing user with those methods, not create a new one.
Is this possible?

Thanks for any advice!


Michael Newton
Thomas Massip
2017-05-11 07:48:15 UTC
Hi all,

I have 2 questions about 'Create user' in my case, for Guest users.

When I created Guest user, with random password, that works, but the
password is to long, I want change it but I don't find the script who
generate passwords... someone can tel me where he is ?

My second question, I want generate User name automatically with the
Last name + First name, I just want know if is it possible or no?

Thanks a lot

Best regards,
Thomas Massip
2017-05-11 13:50:15 UTC
Re all,

I found where the script for random password, so I change it and it's
work well !

For info, it's lib/pf/password.pm

Now i try to create username (PID) with Lastanme + Firstname automaticly
:D I will feedback if I solve it

Best Regards
Post by Michael Newton
Hi all,
I have 2 questions about 'Create user' in my case, for Guest users.
When I created Guest user, with random password, that works, but the
password is to long, I want change it but I don't find the script who
generate passwords... someone can tel me where he is ?
My second question, I want generate User name automatically with the
Last name + First name, I just want know if is it possible or no?
Thanks a lot
Best regards,
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Fabrice Durand
2017-05-11 11:44:49 UTC
Hello Michael,

in fact what you want is to be able to authenticate user by SMS or Email
only if there is already an account that match the telephone or the
email in the local user database ?

If it's the case then it's not implemented yet in PacketFence.


Post by Michael Newton
Hi all, just getting started with this product and have what is
hopefully an easy question to answer. If I've created some local
users, with the telephone or email fields filled in, how can I
authenticate those users through the captive portal without relying on
I've tried setting up a "choice" portal module allowing authentication
via SMS or email. Both methods work well, but they succeed only in
creating new users with the provided email or phone number as a
username. What I want is to authenticate the existing user with those
methods, not create a new one. Is this possible?
Thanks for any advice!
Michael Newton
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
PacketFence-users mailing list
Fabrice Durand
***@inverse.ca :: +1.514.447.4918 (x135) :: www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence (http://packetfence.org)
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