[PacketFence-users] Install questions for 7.0 and Cluster
Peter Reilly
2017-05-31 14:25:37 UTC
I'm following this guide:

I have 3 servers, all with packetfence installed, none configured yet.

Guide says:
First, start packetfence-mariadb and make sure it was able to start in
standalone mode.
# systemctl start packetfence-mariadb

Note: After the initial install of packetfence (yum install
--enablerepo=packetfence packetfence), the packetfence-mariadb service
is already running.


How do I determine that packetfence-mariadb is in standalone mode?

(Or is it in standalone mode by default since a cluster hasn't been
configured yet?)

Should the services be stopped on the other two nodes when configuring a
cluster on the 1st node?

What services ought to be running on the 1st node prior to the cluster

Currently I have:

packetfence-config.service loaded active
running PacketFence Config Service
packetfence-httpd.admin.service loaded active
running PacketFence Administration Apache HTTP S
packetfence-iptables.service loaded activating start
start PacketFence Iptables configuration
packetfence-mariadb.service loaded active
running PacketFence MariaDB instance
packetfence-redis-cache.service loaded active
running PacketFence Redis Cache Service
packetfence-routes.service loaded active
exited PacketFence static routes configuration


Peter Reilly
Wycliffe Bible Translators