[PacketFence-users] Trapping - Passthrough is not working
vo vanhong
2017-05-03 08:24:25 UTC
Hello all,
I have set up PF enforcement vlan mode and have the captive portal working.
I trying to configure passthrough feature. 
This is my trapping configuration
# trapping.passthrough
# When enabled, pfdns will resolve the real IP addresses of passthroughs and add them in the ipset session to give access
# to trapped devices. DonÂŽt forget to enable ip_forward on your server.
# Comma-delimited list of domains to be use for apache passthrough
I checked ipset -list and iptables -L, all things seem be ok.
Chain forward-internal-vlan-if (4 references)
target     prot opt source               destination        
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere            match-set pfsession_passthrough dst,dst
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere            match-set pfsession_passthrough src,src 

But from registration vlan, i go to mywebsite.com (the address what i configured on trapping), but the browser isn't response anything. After some minutes, browser show timeout page (not responding).

pls help me. :(
Thanks in advance for your help! --
Vo Van Hong 
